CBD Oil and Kentucky- Everything You Need To Know

New Laws Passed In Kentucky Allow For Legal CBD Purchases

In 2014, a medical CBD bill was passed which allows for the legal use of CBD products. They are no longer recognized as marijuana products. It should only be used for patients who are suffering from certain conditions where CBD has proven itself to be an aid. You must also have a letter or recommendation from a physician. CBD products from Every Day Optimal adhere to all of these laws and all of their items contain 0% THC. This means it is purely meant for medicinal purposes, and not to get people “high”.

Is CBD Legal In Kentucky?

  • YES

What Does CBD Treat?

CBD can be used to treat muscle stiffness, epilepsy, anxiety, inflammation, seizures, and much more. The clinical trials have shown us that in some cases, it CBD can be even more effective than traditional medications!

How To Choose The Right CBD Product

Since there has been a huge demand for CBD products among people living in the U.S. after the new laws were passed, it has caused some issues. There are now many overseas companies that are trying to capitalize on the market by selling their CBD products to U.S. customers. However, many of their products are very low in quality, and there have been many instances where their products have been found to contain heavy metals, toxins, and chemicals.

Therefore, we recommend that you pick a U.S. based company who have built up a trustworthy reputation among their customers. Every Day Optimal is a top pick due to the fact that they go above and beyond to provide users with the best CBD products available. They only use the best grade of hemp available and every single one of their products undergoes extensive purification processes to ensure it is of the highest quality possible. Furthermore, all of their CBD items are completely legal to use!